I didn't get to write about my last crew. They were sweethearts, all of them. The girls: Lolly (aka Lolly-Dolly), Pepper and Scooter and the boys: Alvin, Simon and Theodore, aka Theodorable (the last to leave). Unfortunately (and fortunately) we got adopted by a stray cat who is a huntress. The kids had to be kept far away from the rest of the family except when Stompy (our cat) wasn't around. Stompy actually reached in and grabbed Simon after jumping over a barricade we had erected to keep her away (he wasn't hurt, but was VERY scared). It just wasn't fair to them and made me very sad. After Theodore died I made the difficult decision not to get any more little rattie friends as long as our cat is with us.
So I say goodbye to this blog and a very sad goodbye to ratties for now. I will leave this blog here for any value it might have to current or prospective rat owners and I hope that others will find a place in their hearts for these misunderstood, loving, social and funny creatures. Every rat that I had taught me something about myself and about life.
This 8 x 10" print by Jasmine Becket-Griffith reminds me of my first rat, Rattie. There is only one left in stock on her etsy site.Labels: rat gift print art holiday artist
Fresh Air from WHYY, May 14, 2007 ยท Wondering what your pet is trying to tell you with that bizarre habit or that pleading look? Dodman is the best-selling author of The Dog Who Loved Too Much and The Cat Who Cried for Help. His latest is Puppy's First Steps: The Whole-Dog Approach to Raising a Happy Healthy, Well-Behaved Puppy.At the end of the interview on NPR (National Public Radio), Terry Gross asks Dodman about the pets he has at home. He mentions a rat (he had two but one died of old age) and Terry asks him "Why a rat"? He gives a wonderful and personal endorsement of why rats make such good pets. You can listen to the interview on the NPR website.
Labels: NPR animal behaviorist Dodman

I've been meaning to post this one for awhile. I thought I would never find a water bottle that didn't leak. I tried several different brands and then I found THE best water bottles.
We moved the rats in the car from California to Portland, Oregon and I kept the bottles in the cages during the move, which you definitely cannot do with regular bottles, and there was absolutely no leakage. It takes the rats a little while to get used to drinking from it but it is well worth it. The nozzle is brass and the bottle is outside the cage so heavy chewers can't damage it. They can also be refilled from outside the cage which is very convenient at times (definitely when you are travelling!)They are called Water Buddies and you can get them in various sizes. You can check out the reviews from users and order from here. Labels: product review, water bottle