Owning rats, or as some say, being owned by rats, is a journey. For me it began with being intensely rat-phobic to where I am now, rat-obsessed (ok, i admit it).


Luna's new buddies

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I missed a weekend in here for posting so you are getting a bonus post... with pictures!

Luna, Dink's old cagemate, has been super lonely. She mostly lays around in her hammock. She can't go back in with the "bad girls" (Pickles and Bailey) because they will beat her up. So, John and I checked to see if our local breeder had any baby girls available. She did and we have already had several play dates with them and made our choices (not easy when they are all so cute and lovable).

The two are almost polar opposites in temperment. The fawn girl doesn't have a name yet. She is a super-sweet, mellow little girl. She likes to just find a spot on you and settle down to be petted. She doesn't seem timid, just snugglesome. John and I both fell in love with her instantly. Unfortunately, we didn't get any good pics of her, so the bottome left photo in the group pic at the top is her (i think, or else its one of her siblings) at 2 weeks. I'll upload more next weekend.

The agouti hooded with headspot (actually a little white stripe) seems to have a more complex personality. She is bold, but sweet. She is an adventurer and not afraid of anything. She reminds me alot of my Penelli (Penelope) when she was a baby. Full steam ahead. Her name came from her posture when she's being held in the air, she hangs super straight with her little head and ears kind of tilting forward. L.B. said "She looks just like a Pez dispenser"! Pez is her nickname, her full name is Pezmerelda (because every child needs a full name that parent's can use when they are being naughty and because John thought she needed a diva-ish name to match her temperment).

We get to pick them up this coming Saturday. I can't wait to get them home and introduce them to Luna. I think she is going to be ecstatic to have some nice little friends.


Letter to a Rat

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I found this awhile back on the Virginia Folklore Society website and thought it was pretty delightful. Certainly a more charming approach to wild rodent control than a glue trap.

note: picture is from McGuffey's Eclectic Primer

Communicating With Critters

"In a conversation with an aged mountaineer the subject somehow turned to the destructive nature of rats and the great loss that can be attributed to those rodents. He said, "Nowadays they have chemicals and traps that can help eliminate them, but in earlier times, around our neighborhood, we used special words we called 'giving away the rats'."1

He explained that the procedure required finding a blacksnake which was then killed but kept intact. The snake was then buried near the rat infested house with its head pointed in the direction where the rats should go--a specific residence had to be selected, not a stand of woods, mountain or other uninhabited place. The informant noted, "We done it here, and after awhile people on the farm down the road complained they was being overrun!"

In the same neighborhood, which borders Highland and Rockingham Counties in Virginia and Pendleton County in West Virginia, other elderly residents told of similar practices with minor variants. Some claimed the snake must be buried after sunset or before sunrise, others said special words as part of the process, and still others carried the blacksnake around the homestead three times before burial in its special position.2

As unusual as this practice may appear, it reminded me of an experience recounted by Cornelius Weygandt, Professor of Literature at the University of Pennsylvania, who bought a farm in New England a half century ago and in preparing the place for his summer occupancy found an old letter addressed to rats which asked them to leave the basement of the home.3 Weygandt considered it unique; nevertheless it was a practice known in widely separated places in America and in Virginia too.

One such letter was dated October 31, 1888 in Maine, and addressed to "Mssrs. Rats and Co." The opening paragraph reads: "Having taken quite a deep interest in your welfare in regard to your winter quarters, I thought I would drop you a few lines..." The writer then offered persuasive reasons why the rats should leave, citing the cold winter months, the lack of food, and the planned remodeling of the interior of the home. He told the rats that they would be uncomfortable and perhaps destitute. The writer then recommended an alternative consisting of a specific address of a neighbor to which they could go, adding that "...you will find a splendid cellar well filled with vegetations...a barn with a good supply of grain, where you can live snug and happy." The letter ends with a mild threat, "Shall do you no harm if you heed my advice."

A similar letter written in New Hampshire in 1845 was much less friendly and more demanding (perhaps this was a second or third letter of a sequence), "I have borne with you till my patience is gone...depart from this place with all speed!...Begone, or you are ruined!" The consequences of staying were emphatic, "We are preparing water to drown you; fire to roast you; cats to catch you; and clubs to maul you." Yet the writer offered the rats an alternative by suggesting they "...quit here and go to Ike Nutes!"

In 1882 an elderly Maryland farmer near Cockneyville wrote such a letter which he read aloud to the rats which infested his home. He read it at night in the belief they were perhaps more active and receptive at that time. His occult activities became widely known when his children used the letter as evidence against him in court seeking a legal declaration of his incompetence.

In recent years two specimens of similar letters were made available to this writer. One used in Rockingham County was written on a single sheet and "delivered" to the rodents through a hole in a baseboard of the homestead near rural Tenth Legion. The other was similar in structure and theme and was merely placed in the cellar near food supplies that rats had been eating, on a farm located in western Shenandoah County.

A lifetime resident of the region offered instructions for the procedure, "lf you find rats or mice in your house write them a cordial note saying how bad the facilities are and suggest they leave. Put the note where they will see it. If this doesn't work, write another letter and say it's the second notice and be firm but cool. If this doesn't work, write a third notice but be mean and tell them to "get the hell out!" Warn them you'll use poisons and traps--they'll be gone in just a few days after that!"4

In seeking to reduce the loss of grain caused by rats, John George Hohman's pow-wow booklet (1819) included a method used by many Pennsylvania Germans. This was in a sense a harvest ritual in which the first three sheaves of grain were presented to the rats with an announcement, "Rats these sheaves I give to you, in order that you may not destroy any of my wheat."5. The rest of the harvest was then stored in the barn. This practice assumes the logical and reasonable nature of the rodent. "


Dinky Doodle 2/3/04 to 2/26/06

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I couldn't bring myself to write in here last weekend.

On Sunday night as I was doing my nightly good-nights to everyone, I saw Dink in an unusual position, kind of limply laying with her back to the front of the cage. When I reached in to pet her she was very unresponsive and cool. John and I held her most of the night, talking to her and kissing her, snuggling her inside our shirts to keep her warm. We tried to get her to eat or drink but she seemed to have lost the ability to swallow and seemed semi-paralyzed all over. I made a bed for her with a hot water bottle underneath so she could stay out with us. She never seemed to be in pain but you could tell life was leaving her.

At one point I looked over at her and there was something...
I don't know what it was exactly...she had been sort of staring blankly for awhile but her eyes looked blank in a different way. I knew she was gone. I think it must have been a stroke like her sister, Gigi.

Ironically, the previous evening we had remarked that we thought she might make it to three because she was running around like a kid and bright-eyed and energetic and happy as could be.

Having rats makes you face your own mortality and the mortality of all that you love.

I made a shroud for her out of material that looks like the night sky and put her in the freezer. She will be buried with her sister in a large flower pot at the Girls' Club where I work. The girls specifically asked for that. She was much loved by all of us, especially "daddy". He used to call her his sack-o-sugar because she was so sweet.


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  • Portland, OR, United States
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